
     Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864), one of America’s all-time major authors, had many disappointments in his literary career. Being of a melancholy nature, he was 26 to become gloomy about his future as a writer. Pessimism was Hawthorne’s bitterest foe. Three different times in his life Hawthorne had to give up writing as a livelihood and take a government job. At such times he had not been 27 his understanding wife Sophia he might very possibly have abandoned literature altogether. 
    On one especially discouraging occasion, Hawthorne returned home with the announcement that he had just lost his government position. “What will we do now, Sophia?” he sighed in 28 . “This is the end.” American literature is beholden 29 Sophia for what happened next. Instead of 30 her husband for losing his job, she went to the cupboard, took down pen, ink, and paper, and placed them on the table. Then, caressing her husband affectionately, she smiled and said, “Just think of it! Now you’ll be completely free to write that book you’ve had in mind and couldn’t find time for.” 
     Sophia’s positive attitude caused Hawthorne to master up enough courage to sit down at the table and begin work. The result was The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne’s finest novel and one of the most valuable contributions to American literature.

(A) dismay
(B) surprise
(C) detail
(D) optimism

難度: 簡單
San Gw 國三下 (2016/12/09)
dismay /.....看完整詳解
110戶政絕對會上榜 大二上 (2017/11/03)

optimistic 樂觀的

☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

oo27203 高三上 (2019/09/19)

optimism 樂觀

☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

eeeee55 國三上 (2020/10/31)

On one especially discouraging occasion, Hawthorne returned home with the announcement that he had just lost his government position. “What will we do now, Sophia?” he sighed in dismay . 

在一個特別沮喪的場合,霍桑回家宣布,他剛剛失去了他政府的工作。「我們現在要做什麼,索菲亞?」 他沮喪地嘆了口氣。

二、克漏字      Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-186..-阿摩線上測驗