47 題至第 50 題為題組 A suspension bridge is ..-阿摩線上測驗
2F 知道自己無知(謙虛),自狂 研一上 (2018/06/04)
A suspension bridge is a type of bridge that use overhead cables to support its roadway. 吊橋是一種使用架空電纜支撐其道路的橋樑。 The design of a suspension bridge is simple and straightforward, and uses several architectural techniques to distribute the weight of the bridge safely and evenly. 懸索橋的設計簡單直接,並採用多種建築技術安全均勻地分配橋樑的重量。 The construction of a suspension bridge starts with its towers, which are usually located on dry land and anchored to bedrock. 懸索橋的建造始於其塔樓,塔樓通常位於陸地上並固定在基岩上。 Once the towers are built, master cables are strung acro... 查看完整內容 |
3F 知道自己無知(謙虛),自狂 研一上 (2018/06/04)
suspension /səsp'ɛnʃən/ 懸掛,暫停,中止 overhead /'ovɚh'ɛd/ 經常開支,普通用費(a.)在頭上的,高架的(ad.)在頭頂上,在空中,在高處 straightforward /str'etf'ɔrwɚd/ (a.)筆直的,率直的,粗獷的,明確的,簡單的,直接的 architectural /,ɑrkət'ɛktʃɚəl/ (a.)建築的,建築學的,建築術的 distribute /dɪstr'ɪbjut/ (vt.)分配,分發,分佈,散佈,分類 evenly /'ivənli/ (ad.)平衡地,平坦地,平等地 anchored /'æŋkɚd/拋錨 ;固定 bedrock /b'ɛdr,ɑk/ 岩床,根底,基礎 strung /str'ʌŋ/ (vbl.)string的過去式和過去分詞 字串,細繩,索,帶子;一串,一行,一列(v.)縛,紮,穿,串起,排成一列 deck /d'ɛk/ 紙牌背面圖案甲板,... 查看完整內容 |