15.心臟缺血(cardiac ischemia)產生的痛覺主要經由下列何者傳遞..-阿摩線上測驗
2F 潛水仔 小一上 (2023/07/07)
以下內容節錄自Barr’s The Human Nervous System middle and inferior cervical cardiac nerves & thoracic cardiac branches of the left sympathetic trunk. 橫膈 sensory (as well as motor) fibers by the phrenic nerve 膽囊、膽管right greater splanchnic nerve 胃 left and right greater splanchnic nerves 十二指腸 supplied by nerves T9 and T10 闌尾 lesser splanchnic nerve 腎盂&輸尿管 least splanchnic nerve
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3F chu19990119 小六下 (2024/06/25)
(A)膈神經(phrenic nerve):主要支配心包膜而非心臟 (B)迷走神經(vagus nerve):負責心臟的反射作用(例如:偵測血壓)
(C)交感神經系統(sympathetic system)
(D)左側喉返神經(left recurrent laryngeal nerve):通常不會想選他 |