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I feel that if there is, in this world, one person whom we can touch totally and unabashedly, we will never die of loneliness. One person! I don’t say fifty, a hundred, a thousand. It does not matter who that person is, woman to woman, man to man, someone you can go to and who will listen. The problem is: although most of us can select the joy of intimacy, many people choose not to. Some believe that intimate relationships are risky. They believe that intimacy will hurt, and that it is going to make the greatest demands on you, bring out your deepest feelings, and make you feel miserable sometimes. Moreover, it seems that our modern society does not reinforce intimacy. One out of every four marriages ends in divorce. As George Leonard says, “we can orbit the earth, we can touch the moon, but this society has not devised a way for two people to live together in harmony for seven straight days without wanting to strangle each other.” It is said that intimacy is out of date, but I would like to assert that intimacy is absolutely essential or we are all going to go mad. Go ahead and live in isolation, if you can. I believe that you can judge your level of mental health to the degree that you can form meaningful and lasting relationships.
【題組】According to the passage, what is the possible reason for the high divorce rate?
(A) Modern people are doomed to die of loneliness.
(B) Modern society does not reinforce intimacy.
(C) Some believe that intimate relationships are risky.
(D) A way has been devised for two people to live together in harmony.

難度: 簡單

倒數 1天 ,已有 1 則答案
Xuan 大一下 (2024/04/28):
我覺得,如果這個世界上有一個人可以讓我們全心全意、毫不掩飾地觸動,我們就永遠不會寂寞而死。一個人!我不是說五十、一百、一千。這個人是誰並不重要,女人對女人,男人對男人,你可以去找誰,誰會聽你的。 問題是:雖然我們大多數人都可以選擇親密的快樂,但很多人選擇不這麼做。有些人認為親密關係是有風險的。他們相信親密關係會傷害你,它會對你提出最大的要求,帶出你最深的感受,有時會讓你感到痛苦。而且,我們的現代社會似乎並沒有加強親密關係。四分之一的婚姻以離婚收場。正如喬治·倫納德所說,“我們可以繞地球運行,我們可以觸摸月球,但是這個社會還沒有設計出一種方法,可以讓兩個人連續和諧地生活七天,而又不想掐死對方。”有人說親密已經過時了,但我想斷言,親密關係是絕對必要的,否則我們都會發瘋。如果可以的話,繼續隔離生活吧。我相信您可以根據自己能否建立有意義且持久的關係來判斷自己的心理健康程度。


 (A) 現代人注定死於孤獨。
 (B) 現代社會並沒有加強親密關係。 
 (C) 有些人認為親密關係是有風險的。
 (D) 已經設計出一種讓兩個人和諧相處的方法。

I feel that if there is, in this world, ..-阿摩線上測驗