14. Due to numerous accidents that occur..-阿摩線上測驗
2F 自律自強 研二下 (2018/04/14)
Due to numerous accidents that occurred while people were playing Pokémon GO, players were advised to be _____ of possible dangers in the environment. 有鑑於無數因為玩精靈寶可夢所導致的意外,玩家們被建議要對環境中潛在的危機 感到____。 (A)警覺 (B)可恥 (C)懷疑 (D)慚愧 解析:be aware of 警覺、察覺、意識到 https://www.edtung.com/Events/GetInfo/Victor/Index2017.aspx 來源:得勝者文教 若作者需要刪除請密我 會盡速刪除 | |
14. Due to numerous accidents that occur..-阿摩線上測驗
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