
二、綜合測驗 ( 占 1 5 分 ) 
 第 16 至 20 題為題組 
You begin to notice a bit of pain on your eyelid each time you blink. You 16 the mirror to find a tiny red spot on the base of your lower lashes. These 17 are probably the beginning of an eye stye. 
An eye stye is a small bump, resembling a pimple, that develops when an oil gland at the edge of an eyelid becomes infected by bacteria. These bacteria are found in the nose and are easily 18 to the eye when you rub your nose, then your eye. Pus will build up in the center of the stye, causing a yellowish spot. Usually a stye is accompanied by a swollen eye. 
 19 a stye can look unpleasant at times, it is usually harmless and doesn’t cause vision problems. Most styes heal on their own within a few days. You might speed up healing time by gently pressing a warm washcloth 20 your eyelid for 10 minutes, 3 or 4 times a day. Make sure you don’t squeeze or pop a stye like you would a pimple. Doing so may cause a severe eye infection.

(A) against
(B) among
(C) about
(D) after

難度: 適中
自律自強 研二下 (2017/12/12)
You might speed up healing time by gently溫和地,輕輕地 pressing a warm washcloth毛巾 20against your eyelid for 10 minutes, 3 or 4 times a day. Make sure you don’t squeeze擠,擠壓 or pop a stye like you would a pimple. Doing.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
Dona 高三下 (2017/08/22)


若要加速眼疾復原, 可以用熱毛巾靠在眼瞼上輕壓10分鐘, 一天三到四次

二、綜合測驗 ( 占 1 5 分 )  第 16 至 20 題為題組 You b..-阿摩線上測驗