78.郭先生罹患急性骨髓性白血病(acute myeloid leukemia)..-阿摩線上測驗
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13F 匿名 小一下 (2020/11/20)
consolidation therapy Treatment that is given after cancer has disappeared following the initial therapy. Consolidation therapy is used to kill any cancer cells that may be left in the body. It may include radiation therapy, a stem cell transplant, or treatment with drugs that kill cancer cells. Also called intensification therapy and postremission therapy. |
14F chiu.jack1203 大二下 (2024/05/22)
AML induction用7+3 (cytarabine+daunorubicin)
所以使用7+3療程 |
15F 軒 大二上 (2024/07/17)
參考資料:臺北榮總《兒童急性淋巴性白血病治療準則》 階段 目標 藥物 引導緩解療法 (Induction therapy) 發病最初4~10週,引導骨髓恢復正常功能 Prednisolone、Vincristine、Epirubicin or L-Asparaginase,非常高危險群還加上VP-16及Cyclophosphamide 鞏固療法 (Consolidation therapy) 更換藥物,把殘留的癌細胞消滅 high dose MTX、 6-mercaptoprine,高危險群還加上 Cytarabine及Cyclophosphamide 中樞神經系統的預防 (CNS prophylaxis) 與上述兩階段同時進行,消滅躲藏在中樞神經的癌細胞: 因為一般的化療藥到達腦部的濃度不夠高,需同時將藥物打入髓鞘內(腰椎注射)來保護腦膜。 MTX、Cytarabine、Hydroco... 查看完整內容 |