
5 On multi-lane highways (e.g. freeways, expressways, city streets, etc.), usually traffic shifts can be utilized in lieu of a detour as turn lanes can often be ______ with detours.
(A) completed
(B) filled
(C) congested
(D) mobbed

難度: 適中
Ching Ting 大三下 (2018/07/10)

congest  vt.及物動詞  1. 充塞;充滿[H]  2. 使充血  vi.不及物動詞  1. 擁塞;擁擠;充血[(+with)]

Theo 國三下 (2019/02/28)

utilized -to put to use利用

lieu -place 

detour -a longer route that you take in order to avoid a problem or to visit a place繞路

usually traffic shifts can be utilized in lieu of a detour as turn lanes can often be ______ with detours. 

通常交通轉換/變換可以取代繞行, 因為繞行往往會堵_____彎車道。

bn3 高三上 (2023/03/10)
On multi-lane highways (e.g. freeways, expressways, city streets, etc.), usually traffic shifts can be utilized in lieu of a detour as turn lanes can often be ______ with detours.
(A) completed
(B) filled
(C) congested
(D) mobbed

在多車道高速公路(例如高速公路、高速公路、城市街道等)上,通常可以使用交通轉移來代替繞行,因為轉彎車道通常可以 ______ 繞行。 (一)完成 (二) 填滿 (三)擁擠 (D) 圍攻

5 On multi-lane highways (e.g. freeways,..-阿摩線上測驗