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41 The past decade has seen the rise of something Mao sought to stamp out forever: a Chinese middle class.
(A)The Chinese middle class has been rising for ten years; Mao had never thought of this before.
(B)Contrary to Mao’s expectation, the Chinese middle class has been growing in the last decade.
(C)The Chinese middle class, which Mao had tried to eliminate, has thrived in the past ten years.
(D)Mao aimed to totally destroy the Chinese middle class in ten years; yet it was getting stronger.

難度: 適中
Shi Jou 大三下 (2013/01/11)
Judith Ho 高一下 (2010/07/20)

Extinguish or destroy, as in The government stamped out the rebellion in a brutal way , or The police were determined to stamp out drug dealers . This metaphoric expression alludes to extinguishing a fire by trampling on it. [Mid-1800s]

Coo Win 國二下 (2014/06/03)
stamp out 撲滅:鎮壓

41 The past decade has seen the rise of ..-阿摩線上測驗