
As the earliest consumers of new technology, early adopters have a great influence on the industry. The most obvious way they exercise this influence is to identify bugs and other flaws to the makers of the new product, who then quickly fix them. Furthermore, many social media has forums for early adopters to discuss new products and make a name for themselves as shapers of public opinion. “Companies are now starting to realize that…early adopters are more than just geeks with a passion but also a great way to spread their brand and products,” writes Selix. Consequently, “the first purchasers of a product are often rewarded with discounts, free lifetime service, or other incentives for good reviews. They also sometimes have a say in up-and-coming products. For example, in 2012 Google began the Glass Explorer program. ‘Explorers’ chosen according to their influence were given the chance to buy Glass, the wearable computer, before it became available in stores, and to help shape the product’s development. Later, Google invited the public to apply for the Explorer program, saying applicants would be judged in part on how creative, original, and influential their suggested uses for Glass were. This is a clever way to [praise] early adopters, get their ideas, and make use of their prestige, all at the same time.” Excerpted and adapted from The Fun—and the Power—of Being an Early Adopter by Marie Lavoisier.

【題組】49. According to this passage, what’s the influence of social media?
(A) It provides rewards when people buy Google Glass.
(B) It led companies to turn their back on early adopters.
(C) It allows early adopters to have a say on the new products and to influence public opinion.
(D) It has made the companies to rely on early adopters.

難度: 簡單
YOLO 小六下 (2017/07/11)
As the earliest cons☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆ ...

台酒訪銷/台電行政雙榜 大三下 (2018/03/08)


Mi de Chen 高三下 (2018/04/06)



112年已上岸,挑戰極限 博二下 (2022/09/07)

Furthermore, many social media has forums for early adopters to discuss new products and make a name for themselves as shapers of public opinion. 

(A)當人們購買Google Glass時會提供獎勵。



early adopter                   n.(新產品,尤其是科技產品的)早期採用者

閱讀測驗 As the earliest consumers of new te..-阿摩線上測驗