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IV. Reading Comprehension (each 2%, total 30%) Economists are debating whether donating substantial amounts of money to poor nations is helpful in the long run. Most economists feel that, at best, aid has produced only mixed results. Despite the fact that the priority should be to create infrastructure such as roads, schools, and others to help the education, health, and business sectors, what often happens is that incompetent and corrupt officials end up misusing or stealing the money. Another problem is that countries can become too dependent on foreign aid. Often, funds from donor nations end up being ineffectively used, and this puts people in rural areas at a disadvantage. Some experts argue that, overall, foreign aid has produced a brighter picture by reducing global poverty. They believe that rich nations should continue to do the best they can to help the poor. By monitoring foreign aid expenditure, we can prevent its misuse and aim to provide support for poor countries so that they can eventually achieve economic empowerment and donate money to others in turn.
【題組】37. What is the tone of the passage?
(A) depressive
(B) ironic
(C) cheerful
(D) objective

IV. Reading Comprehension (each 2%, tota..-阿摩線上測驗