
四、閱讀測驗 (36~50題) 
 Passage 1 
 The La Brea tarpits, located in Hancock Park in the Los Angeles area, have proven to be an extremely fertile source of Ice Age fossils. Apparently, during the period of the Ice Age, the tarpits were covered by shallow pools of water; when animals came there to drink, they  got caught in the sticky tar and perished. The tar not only trapped the animals, leading to the death, but also served as a remarkably effective preservant, allowing near-perfect skeletons to remain hidden until the present era. 
 In 1906, the remains of a huge prehistoric bear discovered in the tarpits alerted archeologists to the potential treasure lying within the tar. Since then thousands and thousands of well-preserved skeletons have been uncovered, including the skeletons of camels, horses, wolves, tigers, sloths, and dinosaurs.

【題組】37. The underlined pronoun they in paragraph 1 refers to _____.

(A) the La Brea tarpits

(B) Ice Age fossils

(C) shallow pools of water

(D) animals

難度: 非常簡單
張某豆 高三上 (2019/08/01)


四、閱讀測驗 (36~50題) 

 Passage 1 

 The La Brea tarpits, located in Hancock Park in the Los Angeles area, have proven to be an extremely fertile source of Ice Age fossils. Apparently, during the period of the Ice Age, the tarpits were covered by shallow pools of water; when animals came there to drink, they got caught in the sticky tar and perished. The tar not only trapped the animals, leading to the death, but also served as a remarkably effective preservant, allowing near-perfect skeletons to remain hidden until the present era. 

 In 1906, the remains of a huge prehistor...

我愛阿摩,阿摩愛我 (2021/06/20)

when animals came there to drink, they got caught in the sticky tar and perished.

四、閱讀測驗 (36~50題)   Passage 1&nb..-阿摩線上測驗