

16. Benzene is mixed with toluene to form an ideal solution. At 100℃, the vapor pressures of pure benzene and toluene are 1.80 bar and 0.74 bar, respectively. Choose the incorrect description.
(A) In the boiling point diagram of this mixture, points above the dew point line are in the vapor phase.
(B) The bubble point line can be derived from Raoult's law.
(C) The enthalpy of mixing is equal to zero.
(D) If this mixture boils at 100℃, the mole fraction of benzene in the mixture is higher than that of toluene.
(E) The final volume (Vtotal) is equal to Vbenzenc + Vtolvene.

難度: 計算中

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16. Benzene is mixed with toluene to for..-阿摩線上測驗