
第 36 至 39 題為題組 Often named as the most prominent contemporary female architect, Zaha Hadid, an Iraqi-born British woman, is significant for her intellectual toughness and her refusal to compromise on her artistic ideas. For many years, her designs filled the pages of architecture journals but were dismissed as impractical or too radical. Also, being female in a male-dominated field didn’t help her succeed. Despite these setbacks, her star began to rise when her design for Cincinnati’s new Center for Contemporary Art was selected and built, earning her worldwide acclaim. The New York Times described the building as “the most important new building in America since the Cold War.” Once her talent was recognized, commissions started coming in to design a variety of projects, including public transportation, libraries, and opera houses. In 2004, Hadid became the first woman to win the prestigious Pritzker Prize. She also won the Stirling Prize in 2010 and 2011. Hadid’s interest in architecture had roots in a trip her family took to the ancient Sumer region in southern Iraq, the site of one of the world’s oldest civilizations, when she was a teenager. She recalled: “The beauty of the landscape—where sand, water, reeds, birds, buildings, and people all somehow flowed together—has never left me. I’m trying to discover—invent, I suppose—an architecture, and forms of urban planning, that do something of the same thing in a contemporary way.” Nature’s forms appear as a recurrent source of inspiration for Hadid’s architecture. Her designs are daring and visionary experiments with space and with the relationships of buildings to their urban surroundings. She consistently pushes the boundaries of architecture and urban design in the pursuit of a visionary aesthetic that expresses her ideals.
【題組】 36. According to the passage, what is a major factor in Hadid’s success?
(A) Her family support.
(B) Her ethnic origin.
(C) Her gender and education.
(D) Her vision and talent.

難度: 簡單
方蔥香 小三上 (2018/06/04)
方蔥香 小三上 (2018/06/04)

作為當代最著名的女性建築師,扎伊哈迪德是一位出生在伊拉克的英國女性,她的知識堅持和拒絕妥協她的藝術理念非常重要。多年來,她的設計填補了建築期刊的篇幅,但被認為不切實際或過於激進。而且,在男性主導的領域當女性並不能幫助她成功。儘管遇到了這些挫折,她的成名在她為辛辛那提新的當代藝術中心設計而被選中和建造的時候開始興起,贏得了她的全球讚譽。 “紐約時報”稱這座建築是“冷戰後美國最重要的新建築”。一旦她的天賦得到認可,委員會開始設計各種項目,包括公共交通,圖書館和歌劇院。 2004年,哈迪德成為第一位贏得著名普利茲克獎的女性。她還在2010年和2011年贏得了斯特林獎。哈迪德對建築的興趣源於她的家人在伊拉克南部古老...


第 36 至 39 題為題組 Often named as the most ..-阿摩線上測驗