
Facts are pieces of information we know to be true. When we read history, we want to know the facts—what really happened. Fiction is the 44 . Writers of fiction 45 stories, telling of people and events that 46 the writer’s imagination. Science fiction writers imagine 47 people and events but, perhaps most importantly, technology. They often write about the effects of that technology on a person, a group, or society. These writers usually set their stories in the future. Some of them have predicted technology that seemed 48 at the time but really does exist today.
(A)take in
(B)get out
(C)come from
(D)arrive at

難度: 非常簡單
Abyss 大三上 (2017/08/01)
(A)take in 吸收 領會(B)g☆☆ ☆☆☆ ★★...

ben Shaw 大二下 (2020/11/01)
Come  from 來自
Peggie 大三上 (2023/02/20)
(A) take in            接受; 理解;欺騙
(B) get out           (使)出去, (使)出來;(使)逃出
(C) come from     出生於, 來自於;為自己的出生地; 為自己的居住地
(D) arrive at          到達;達成或得出某事物

Facts are pieces of information we know ..-阿摩線上測驗