

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: Urban legends are an important part of popular culture, experts say, offering insight into our fears and the state of society. They’re also good fun. “Life is so much more interesting with monsters in it,” says Mikel J. Koven, a folklorist. “It’s the same with these legends. They’re just good stories.” Like the variations in the stories themselves, folklorists all have their own definitions of what makes an urban legend. Academics have always disagreed on whether urban legends are, by definition, too fantastic to be true or at least partly based on fact, said Koven, who tends to believe the latter. Urban legends aren’t easily verifiable, by nature. Usually passed on by word of mouth or in e-mail form, they often invoke the famous clause—“it happened to friend of a friend”(or FOAF)that makes finding the original source of the story virtually impossible. Discovering the truth behind urban legends, however, isn’t as important as the lessons they impart, experts say. “The lack of verification in no way diminishes the appeal that urban legends have for us,” writes Jan Harold Brunvand in “The Vanishing Hitchhiker: American Urban Legends and Their Meanings.” “We enjoy them merely as stories, and tend to at least half-believe them as possibly accurate reports.” 
 A renowned folklorist, Brunvand is considered the pre-eminent scholar on urban legends. The definition of an urban legend, he writes, is “a strong basic story-appeal, a foundation in actual belief, and a meaningful message or moral.” Most urban legends tend to offer a moral lesson, Koven agreed, that is always interpreted differently depending on the individual. The lessons don’t necessarily have to be of the deep, meaning-of-life, variety, he said. Urban legends are also good indicators of what’s going on in current society, said Koven. “By looking at what’s implied in a story, we get an insight into the fears of a group in society,” he said. Urban legends “need to make cultural sense,” he said, noting that some stick around for decades while others fizzle out depending on their relevance to the modern social order. It’s a lack of information coupled with these fears that tends to give rise to new legends, Koven said. “When demand exceeds supply, people will fill in the gaps with their own information as they’ll just make it up.” The abundance of conspiracy theories and legends surrounding 9/11, the war in Iraq and Hurricane Katrina seems to point to distrust in the government among some groups, he said. But urban legends aren’t all serious life lessons and conspiracy theories, experts say, with the scariest, most plausible ones often framed as funny stories. Those stories can spread like wildfire in today’s Internet world, but they’ve been part of human culture as long as there has been culture, and Brunvand argues that legends should be around as long as there are inexplicable curiosities in life.

【題組】46 What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) Urban legends are all nonsense that we needn’t pay attention to.
(B) Urban legends have many levels of concepts and they will survive.
(C) Urban legends are a good way to escape from government control.
(D) Urban legends should not spread before the source of information is confirmed.

難度: 簡單
ChiaJung Hsu 高二下 (2017/12/02)
專家說,都市傳奇是大眾文化的重要組成部分,它提供了對我們恐懼和社會狀況的洞察力。他們也很好玩。一位民俗學家米克爾·科文(Mikel J. Koven)說:“生活對於怪物來說非常有趣。 “這些傳說也是一樣的。他們只是好故事。“就像故事本身的變化一樣,民俗學家都有自己對於城市傳奇的定義。 Koven認為,後者認為,學術界一直不同意城市傳說究竟是不是真的太棒了,至少部分是基於事實。都市傳說不容易驗證,性質。通常通過口頭或電子郵件形式傳遞,他們經常援引著名的條款 - “它發生在朋友的朋友”(或FOAF),使得找到故事的原始來源幾乎是不可能的。然而,發現城市傳說背後的真相並不像傳授的教訓那麼重要,專家們說。 Jan Harold Brunvand在“消失的搭檔:美國的城市傳說及其含義”一文中寫道:“缺乏核實絕不會削弱城市傳說對我們的吸引力。”我們只將它們作為故事享受,至少傾向於半認為它們可能是準確的報告。“ 著名的民俗學家布倫萬德被認為是都市傳奇的傑出學者。他寫道,城市傳奇的定義是.....看完整詳解
沒那個命就認命,不考了 大二上 (2021/09/17)


大四上 (2022/12/26)

Urban legends都市傳說 are an important part of popular culture, experts say, offering insight洞察 into our fears and the state of society. They’re also good fun. “Life is so much more interesting with monsters in it,” says Mikel J. Koven, a folklorist民俗學家.
專家說,都市傳說是流行文化的重要組成部分,它讓我們深入了解我們的恐懼和社會狀況。 他們也很有趣。 “生活中有怪物,生活會更有趣,”民俗學家米克爾·J·科文 (Mikel J. Koven) 說。

“It’s the same with these legends. They’re just good stories.” Like the variations in the stories themselves, folklorists all have their own definitions定義 of ...

海芋 大三上 (2024/04/30)
Urban legends are an important part of popular culture, experts say, offering insight into our fears and the state of society.  專家表示,都市傳說是流行文化的重要組成部分,它讓人們深入了解我們的恐懼和社會狀況。   They’re also good fun.他們也很有趣。    “Life is so much more interesting with monsters in it,” says Mikel J. Koven, a folklorist.  「有怪物的生活變得更加有趣,」民俗學家Mikel J. Koven說。   “It’s the same with these legends. 「這些傳說也是如此。   They’re just good stories.”它們只是好故事。   Like the variations in the stories themselves, folklorists all have their ow...

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: Urban legends are a..-阿摩線上測驗