
請回答42 題至第 46 題 Howard Brock, in his column in Sunday’s edition, discussed a recent report about consumer lifestyles. The report said more and more people are able to buy more luxury products. 42 , this doesn’t necessarily make them happy. Mr. Brock believes that society’s attitudes toward material goods are wrong. He wrote about the need for us to return to old-fashioned values. While I agree with much of what Mr. Brock wrote, I was disappointed that he didn’t 43 a more important issue. Many of us are enjoying a consumer lifestyle, but we don’t think about whether it is 44 . We are using up the world’s resources at a rapid rate. Unfortunately, many of them cannot be replaced, though. By 45 increasing their own wealth and comfort, humans are living in a dream. When we wake up, we will find many things have changed. There will still be people who cannot afford to buy much. But the gap between rich and poor will be impossible to 46 . Also, the earth’s resources will have mostly disappeared. In short, people are becoming victims of their own success. The future does not look so promising.
(A)slowing down
(B)kicking in
 caring about
 putting off 

難度: 簡單
Jia Wei 大三上 (2017/09/20)
caring about 關心slowi☆☆ ☆☆☆☆...

HYC 高一上 (2018/02/11)

(A)slowing down  ★★★

考取地三中華電油職 研二下 (2019/04/03)

slow down 放慢

kick in 起作用

care about  關心

put off 延遲

請回答42 題至第 46 題 Howard Brock, in his co..-阿摩線上測驗