

第 46 題至第 50 題為題組

    If you charted the incidence of depression since 1950, the lines suggest a growing epidemic. Depending on what assumptions are used, clinical depression is 3 to 10 times as common today than two generations ago. A recent study by Ronald Kessler of Harvard Medical School estimated that each year, 1 in 15 Americans experience an episode of major depression--meaning not just a bad day but depression so debilitating that it’s hard to get out of bed. Money jangles in our wallets and purses as never before, but we are basically no happier for it, and for many, more money leads to depression. How can that be?

    Of course, our grandmothers, many of whom lived through the Depression and the war, told us that money can’t buy happiness. We don’t act as though we listened. Millions of us spend more time and energy pursuing the things money can buy than engaging in activities that create real fulfillment in life, like cultivating friendships, helping others and developing a spiritual sense.

    We say we know that money can’t buy happiness. In the TIME poll, when people were asked about their major source of happiness, money ranked 14th. Still, we behave as though happiness is one wave of a credit card away. Too many Americans view expensive purchases as "shortcuts to well-being," says Martin Seligman, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania. But people are poor predictors of where those shortcuts will take them.

    To be sure, there is ample evidence that being poor causes unhappiness. For example, studies by Ruut Veenhoven, a sociologist at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, show that the poor--those in Europe earning less than about $10,000 a year--are rendered unhappy by the relentless frustration and stress of poverty.

【題組】46 According to this passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A)Money can’t buy happiness.
(B)Money may make people get depression.
(C)The real truth about money is easy to find.
(D)Many Americans view expensive purchases as "shortcuts to well-being."

難度: 非常簡單
知道自己無知(謙虛),自狂 研一上 (2018/05/04)
If you charted the incidence of depression since 1950, the lines suggest a growing epidemic.如果你從1950年開始計算抑鬱症的發病率,那麼這些線條就意味著越來越多的流行病。Depending on what assumptions are used, clinical depression is 3 to 10 times as common today than two generations ago.根據所使用的假設,臨床抑鬱症的發生時間比兩代前的發病率高3至10倍。A recent study by Ronald Kessler of Harvard Medical School estimated that each year, 1 in 15 Americans experience an episode of major depression--meaning not just a bad day but depression so debilitating that it’s hard to get out of bed. 哈佛醫學院...
墨夜熠樓 大四上 (2021/08/04)

如果您繪製自 1950 年以來抑鬱症的發病率圖表,則線條表明流行病正在增長。根據所使用的假設,今天臨床抑鬱症的發病率是兩​​代人之前的 3 到 10 倍。哈佛醫學院的羅納德·凱斯勒 (Ronald Kessler) 最近的一項研究估計,每年,每 15 名美國人中就有 1 人患有重度抑鬱症——這不僅意味著糟糕的一天,而且抑鬱症如此虛弱以至於難以起床。錢夾在我們的錢包和錢包裡是前所未有的,但我們基本上並沒有因此而更快樂,而且對許多人來說,更多的錢會導致抑鬱。怎麼可能?


壓咧壓咧 (2023/01/05)

wallet N. (尤指男士的)錢包:文件夾、硬紙夾
purse N. (常指女用)錢包、手提包,手提袋:(機構或政府的)備用金,可用的資

海芋 大三上 (2024/05/02)
If you charted the incidence of depression since 1950, the lines suggest a growing epidemic.  如果你繪製 1950 年以來憂鬱症發病率的圖表,你會發現這些線條顯示憂鬱症的流行程度日益嚴重。   Depending on what assumptions are used, clinical depression is 3 to 10 times as common today than two generations ago. 根據所使用的假設,今天的臨床憂鬱​​症發生率是兩代前的 3 到 10 倍。   A recent study by Ronald Kessler of Harvard Medical School estimated that each year, 1 in 15 Americans experience an episode of major depression--meaning not just a bad day but depression so debilitating that it’s hard to...

第 46 題至第 50 題為題組     If you charted the ..-阿摩線上測驗