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13. The company was now on the edge of a(n) _____. Its CEO and the board of directors are trying to pull it back from the brink before they have to declare bankruptcy.
(A) sacrosanct
(B) subterfuge
(C) precipice
(D) ineptitude

難度: 適中
M 大三上 (2018/01/07)
Marie Xiao 高一下 (2018/03/22)

(A) sacrosanct The principle of democracy is sacrosanct, but it will always be interpreted through cultural filters.’
(B) subterfuge 

  • ‘We better tell him the truth, and all of it, without any subterfuge or deception.’

(C) precipice 

  • ‘I am standing on the edge of a precipice and ready to go over the edge - but there is nothing to catch my fall.’

(D) ineptitude 

  • ‘A failed athlete and hopeless quiz contestant, he has risen on the strength of his charismatic ineptitude.’
b6832509 高三下 (2018/05/07)

(A) sacrosanct (a)神聖不可侵犯的

(B) subterfuge (n)詭計、伎倆

(C) precipice (n)懸崖、峭壁、險境

(D) ineptitude (n)無能、笨拙、愚笨

      inept (a)無能的、笨拙的

from Cambridge Dictionary

13. The company was now on the edge of a..-阿摩線上測驗