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三、篇章結構 (每題 1 分, 共 5 分) 
    Aging eyes bring more than crow's feet and wrinkles. It's what you can't see -- the health of your eyes -- that is the bigger concern, doctors say. By the age of 40, many people may begin coping with vision problems they didn't have before. ___31__ People might be left feeling fatigued and headachy by the end of the workday. Genetics largely determines how our eyes age. But new research suggests that nutrition and environment can lessen some of the risks to eye health and vision. 
   ___32__ Avoid self-prescribing with, say, off-the-shelf reading glasses sold at drugstores. People often select glasses that appear to make things clearest. ___33__ Also, glasses you need for reading may be different from ones you need when using a computer. So people who wear their reading glasses on the computer can also be encouraging their eyes to weaken faster. One study published in the May issue of Ophthalmology suggests that spending time outdoors may help minimize or prevent nearsightedness, or myopia, in children. Some researchers believe the effect could be related to oxygen exposure or the amount of light exposure causing the pupil to constrict. ___34__ However, being outdoors also bring risks. ___35__ Damaging rays from the sun are cumulative, so experts recommend wearing protective sunglasses and hats starting at a young age.phpLWvYgM


三、篇章結構 (每題 1 分, 共 5 分)     Aging eyes br..-阿摩線上測驗