
Ⅳ. 閱讀測驗(36-50 題,請選出最適當的選項。) 
Passage 1 
Culture is by no means a separate part of society or politics. Elizabethan era is generally known as one of the most glorious periods in English history not simply because of its political and military strength, but also because of its vigorous cultural power. For those of us in the twenty-first century, the success of William Shakespeare's plays is as well known as Queen Elizabeth's defeat of the Spanish Armada. By permitting the establishment of permanent public playhouses, Elizabethan era created the cultural conditions that nurtured theatrical creativities. "Literature is part of history," Jean E. Howard writes, just as "the literary text [is] as much a context for other aspects of cultural and material life as they are for it." Shakespeare's works, which constitute a part of the Elizabethan history, worked hand in hand with other aspects of material life at that time to shape our conceptualization of the Elizabethan era. Thus seen, a seemingly minor cultural policy that permits the building of playhouses had enormous effects on subsequent ages' impression of the era. Cultural policies are undeniably integral parts of society and politics, and they might have a lasting effect on history.

【題組】36. What is the main idea of this paragraph?
(A) Culture separates society and politics.
(B) Elizabethan era was militarily strong.
(C) Queen Elizabeth's defeat of the Spanish Armada.
(D) Culture has colossal influence.

難度: 非常簡單
林長鴻 大一上 (2020/07/07)


炸蝦 小二下 (2024/06/09)
his defeat of the enemy“他打敗敵人”
his defeat by the enemy“他被敵人打敗
Queen Elizabeth's defeat of the Spanish Armada.
The aggressors were doomed to defeat. 侵略者注定要失敗。
Our hopes were defeated. 我們的希望落空了。
We defeated our competitors. 我們贏(打敗)對手。

Ⅳ. 閱讀測驗(36-50 題,請選出最適當的選項。) Passage 1 Cu..-阿摩線上測驗