
第 41 題至第 45 題,請依文意,從四個選項中選出最合適者
     Starting in the 1930s, LEGO’s founder Ole Kirk Christiansen had created toys using wood and other materials. When a fire in 1960  41  the company’s warehouse containing wooden toys, Christiansen decided to concentrate all efforts on one single product: the plastic LEGO brick. LEGO bricks are not associated with  42 , sex, political viewpoints, or controversial topics, and the company has deliberately sought to develop a “safe” image.  43 , during the last decades this image of LEGO has also come to present a problem, because children increasingly  44  more teenage-like leisure activities, influenced by adult topics circulating in the media. For the growing generation of “tween”-agers, this safe image could easily be synonymous with “  45 .”


難度: 簡單
老吾 高一上 (2018/07/13)
(A)heroic 英勇的(B) childish  幼稚的(C.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
墨夜熠樓 大四上 (2021/09/22)

從 1930 年代開始,樂高的創始人 Ole Kirk Christiansen 就使用木材和其他材料製作了玩具。 當 1960 年 41 公司倉庫的木製玩具發生火災時,克里斯蒂安森決定將所有精力集中在一個產品上:塑料樂高積木。 樂高積木與 42 、性別、政治觀點或有爭議的話題無關,該公司刻意尋求樹立“安全”的形象。 43 ,在過去的幾十年中,樂高的這種形像也出現了問題,因為兒童越來越多 44 青少年般的休閒活動受到媒體中流傳的成人話題的影響。 對於越來越多的“tween”-agers,這種安全的形像很容易成為“45”的代名詞。

jo 大四上 (2022/01/05)

 Starting in the 1930s, LEGO’s founder Ole Kirk Christiansen had created toys using wood and other materials. When a fire in 1960  destroyed  the company’s warehouse containing wooden toys, Christiansen decided to concentrate all efforts on one single product: the plastic LEGO brick. LEGO bricks are not associated with  violence   , sex, political viewpoints, or controversial topics, and the company has deliberately sought to develop a “safe” image.  Nevertheless , during the last decades this image of LEGO has also come to present a problem, because children increasingly enga...

林動 大三上 (2022/09/29)

For the growing generation of “tween”-agers, this safe image could easily be synonymous with “childish.”

(A) heroic 英勇
(B) childish 幼稚
(C) anxious 焦慮
(D) progressive 進步/先進

第 41 題至第 45 題,請依文意,從四個選項中選出最合適者     Star..-阿摩線上測驗