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III. 閱讀測驗 (10%) 
    Breast-feeding is an important and special occurrence between a mother and her child. It leaves the child and mother healthier and happier. However, it also can lead to certain complications for the mother, like mastitis. Mastitis is a breast infection that mostly occurs among women who are breast-feeding. It’s sometimes called lactation mastitis or puerperal mastitis by doctors. Women who aren’t breast-feeding can also develop mastitis, which is called periductal mastitis.
   While it’s more common for these symptoms to occur (as is the infection in general) within the first six months after birth, and more so in the first six to 12 weeks of breast-feeding, mastitis can occur at any point of the breast-feeding period. Typically, the lactation mastitis occurs in only one breast.
   In breast-feeding women, mastitis is often caused by a buildup of milk within the breast. This is known as milk stasis. Apart from infrequent or missed feedings, milk stasis can occur, for instance, when a baby has problems sucking. In some cases, this buildup of milk can also become infected with bacteria. This is known as infective mastitis. Bacteria can enter the breast through cracked or sore nipples.
    However, mastitis is easily self-diagnosable and very self-treatable. There are many natural ways to treat mastitis. Some of the treatments are actually identical to the preventative tips for avoiding breast infections, such as regular breast-feeding and wearing loose clothing throughout the day. There are also many treatments that serve dual purposes: both relieving the symptoms of mastitis and helping clear the blockages of the clogged milk duct, thus allowing the passage of the bacteria and ending the mastitis infection all together. It’s important to be very on top of treating a blocked milk duct or swollen area quickly to avoid the possibility of infection.
    If you show signs of impending or full-blow, mastitis, in addition to resting, the following natural remedies will be a huge help: First of all, keep feeding. Maintaining a regular schedule through the infection, as long as you or the baby doesn’t exhibit oral thrush symptoms and it’s not too painful, helps unblock the milk duct. Secondly, massaging around the affected area before and after warming the breast is a good combination to use. Warm baths and showers before or after breast-feeding are similarly effective heat-related helpers. Next, raw, green cabbage leaves have been used for generations for new mothers to help engorgement, but they’re also effective in fighting against infections like mastitis in the nipple area. Simply place a leaf of cabbage inside the bra for several hours a day. By keeping the cabbage in the fridge, the leaves cool and are even more soothing. You can replace the cabbage every few hours. Finally, mix half a teaspoon of salt in eight ounces of water and soak your nipples after nursing. The low-salt saline rinse, which has the salinity close to tears, helps keep the nipples bacteria-free and can also reduce pain and swelling. It’s both preventative and a treatment for mastitis.
    As with all infections and ailments, when it comes to mastitis, it’s important to do what you can to avoid blocked milk ducts and other risk factors. Learning proper breast-feeding techniques to avoid overly chapped or painful nipples, which then become susceptible to infection, is also paramount.

【題組】23. We can infer from the passage that the symptoms of mastitis do not include_____.
(A) the clogged milk duct
(B) pain and swelling of breast
(C) a swollen area on breast
(D) puerperal or saline nipples

III. 閱讀測驗 (10%)     Breast-feeding is an..-阿摩線上測驗