
36When a lawyer studies the precise wording of a legal document, this style of reading is known as .
(A) receptive reading
(B) extensive reading
(C) skim reading
(D) intensive reading

難度: 簡單
黎育如 高一上 (2019/03/31)
Types of reading skills(1) Extensive ReadingExtensive reading is used to obtain a general understanding of a subject and includes reading longer texts for pleasure, as well as business books. Do not worry if you understand each word. Examples:-- A novel you read before you go to bed-- Magazine articles that interest you(2) Intensive ReadingIntensive reading is uesd on shorter texts in order to extract specific information. It includes very close accurate reading for details. Use intensive reading skills to grasp the details of a specific situation. It is important th.....觀看完整全文,請先...
109桃園英師 高一上 (2021/02/02)

(A) receptive reading 只為興趣 求知慾而讀
(B) extensive reading general
(C) skim reading只想看內容喜不喜歡 粗淺的看
(D) intensive reading details

Lydia 大四上 (2021/04/28)

(A) receptive reading: reading as entertainment or enjoyment 閱讀是興趣
(B) extensive reading: to read for pleasure 廣泛閱讀 (大量閱讀、了解大意即可)
(C) skim reading: to get the main idea, to get the gist 找要旨、主旨
(D) intensive reading: to closely examine text, to grasp the detail 細看、了解每個字
*  scanning reading: to quick look through a text to find a piece of particular information 找特定知識內容(如閱讀測驗)

113應屆雙榜英師 大三上 (2024/02/05)
  (A) Receptive reading (接受性閱讀):
接受性閱讀是指學生通過閱讀來理解和吸收信息,而不一定需要進行深入的分析或思考。這種閱讀方式通常用於獲取信息、理解文本和擴展語言知識。 例子:閱讀新聞文章、網上博客、故事書等,主要是為了獲取信息、理解故事情節或主題。 (B)Extensive reading (廣泛閱讀):
廣泛閱讀是指學生通過閱讀大量不同類型和主題的材料來提高閱讀技能、詞彙量和語言流暢度。 例子:閱讀小說、雜誌、報紙、短篇故事等,目的是提高閱讀速度、流暢度,並擴展詞彙量。 (C) Skim reading (略讀):
略讀是指快速瀏覽文本以獲取大意和主要信息的閱讀方式,而不是進行詳細的分析或理解。 例子:快速瀏覽一篇文章的標題、段落開頭和結...

36When a lawyer studies the precise word..-阿摩線上測驗