
44There are four commonly identified types of listening performances, each of which comprises different assessment tasks and procedures. Which of the following statements is correct about the assessment tasks?
(A) Responsive listening is listening for perception of the components for a large stretch of language.
(B) Selective listening is listening to a relatively short stretch of language in order to make an equally short response.
(C) Intensive listening is processing stretches of discourse such as short monologues for several minutes in order to scan for certain information.
(D) Extensive listening is listening to develop a top-down, global understanding of spoken language.

難度: 適中
bees123 高二下 (2019/05/10)
Types of listening performance1. reactive listening(1) Listeners are tape recorders. (2) The listener is not generating meaning. (3) The teacher is the model.2. intensive listening(1) using bottom-up skills(2) Focus on components of discourse (such as phonemes, words, discourse markers)3. responsive listening(1) short stretches of teacher language designed to elicit immediate responses(2) Examples: Giving commands. "Open the door."                     .....觀看完整全文,請先登入
Elva英師108上岸!謝 大四上 (2019/02/04)


(1)☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

Sara Wu 國三上 (2019/05/15)

(A)Responsive listening Intensive listening is listening for perception of the components for a large stretch of        language.

(B)Selective listening Responsive listening is listening to a relatively short stretch of language in order to make an equally short response.

(C)Intensive listening Selective listening is processing stretches of discourse such as short monologues for several minutes in order to scan for certain information.

44There are four commonly identified typ..-阿摩線上測驗