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15. He was concerned about the condition of factory and mine workers while they were at work, the _____ nature of making a living through such work, and the effects of the factory system on the family life of workers.
(A) capricious
(B) vicarious
(C) precarious
(D) vivacious

難度: 適中
林佳瑩 高一下 (2019/07/06)

(A) capricious adj. 反覆無常的

(B) vicarious adj. 替代的,代理的;間接感受到的

(C) precarious adj. 危險的,不穩的

(D) vivacious adj. 活潑的,快活的

Become a tenu 幼兒園下 (2019/10/02)

(A) capricious-sudden behavior change
(B) vicarious-experienced sth by others instead doing it yourself
(C) precarious-in a dangerous state because of not being safe/ firmly place
(D) vivacious-energetic

15. He was concerned about the condition..-阿摩線上測驗