【詳解卡新福利】寫作批改懸賞券,將於 2024/10/31 23:59:59 過期,還沒使用或領取,趕快前往領取並使用吧! 前往查看


Students who are best prepared for the future can face upcoming challenges with ease. They can have a positive 36 on their surroundings, influence the future, understand others' intentions, actions and feelings, and anticipate the short and long-term consequences of what they do. The concept of competency implies 37 just the acquisition of knowledge and skills; it also involves the mobilization of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to meet complex demands. Future-ready students will need 38 broad 38 specialized knowledge. Disciplinary knowledge will continue to be important, together with the capacity to think across the boundaries of disciplines and “connect the dots.” Epistemic knowledge, or knowledge about the disciplines, such as knowing how to think like a mathematician, historian or scientist, will also be significant, 39 students to extend their disciplinary knowledge. Procedural knowledge is acquired by understanding how something is done or made – the series of steps or actions 40 to accomplish a goal. Some procedural knowledge is domain-specific, some transferable across domains. It typically develops through practical problem-solving, such as through design thinking and system thinking.
(A) launch
(B) content
(C) impact
(D) revolution

難度: 非常簡單
May Hsu 國三下 (2019/03/26)
A. launch 推行B. conte☆☆ ★★;★★...

陳櫘如 國三下 (2022/05/11)
為未來做好充分準備的學生可以輕鬆應對即將到來的挑戰。他們可以對周圍環境產生積極的 36,影響未來,了解他人的意圖、行為和感受,並預測他們所做的事情的短期和長期後果。能力的概念意味著 37 只是獲得知識和技能;它還涉及調動知識、技能、態度和價值觀來滿足複雜的需求。為未來做好準備的學生將需要 38 種廣泛的 38 種專業知識。學科知識以及跨越學科邊界思考和“連接點”的能力將繼續發揮重要作用。認知知識,或有關學科的知識,例如知道如何像數學家、歷史學家或科學家一樣思考,也將很重要,39 名學生可以擴展他們的學科知識。程序知識是通過了解某事是如何完成或製造的——一系列步驟或行動 40 來實現目標而獲得的。一些程序知識是特定領域的,一些可以跨領域轉移的。它通常通過實際的問題解決來發展,例如通過設計思維和系統思維。

Students who are best prepared for the ..-阿摩線上測驗