40.下列關於肋膜腔病變之敘述,何者錯誤? (A)罹患纖維胸(fribroth..-阿摩線上測驗
3F raes1007susan 高三上 (2020/07/20)
纖維胸手術補充如下 Other than physiologic unfitness on the part of the patient, there are no absolute contraindications for decortication. In some patients who also have underlying lung disease, removal of the peel may not help the lung expand, and thus surgery would be futile. Other conditions that may make decortication futile include the presence of a pleural-space infection and large-airway stenosis. In such cases, the lung will not expand to fill the pleural space. A more extensive pleuropneumonectomy may be the sole available option, but only if the patient has been worked up preoper... 查看完整內容 |
4F shontallordR 高二下 (2022/07/03)
(D)除了剝皮術(decortication) |