
III. Cloze Test 
A. The earliest theoretical attempts to describe and explain the universe involved the idea that events and natural phenomena were controlled by spirits ___16___ human emotions who acted in a very humanlike and ___17___ manner. These spirits had to be placated and their favor sought in order to ensure the fertility of the soil and the rotation of seasons. Gradually, however, it must have been noticed that there were certain ___18___: the sun always ___19___ in the east and set in the west, ___20___ a sacrifice had been made to the sun god. Further, the sun, the moon, and the planets followed precise paths across the sky that could be predicted in advance with considerable accuracy.

(A) rises
(B) arises
(D) arose

難度: 適中
702436455 大三下 (2019/04/01)

108正式英師,感謝阿摩 高二下 (2019/05/08)

 the sun always rose in the east and set in the west


[HINT] rise

=to move upwards : At 6 a.m. we watched the sun rise.

=to increase: Inflation is rising at/by 2.1 percent a month.

=emotions start to increase :She felt panic and terror rise in her whenever she thought of the future.

=to become important : She quickly rose through the ranks to become head of marketing.

=to oppose or fight a bad government or ruler : The people rose (up) against the oppressor/tyrant/dictator.

[HINT] raise

=to lift something to a higher position:ra...


III. Cloze Test A. The earliest theoret..-阿摩線上測驗