
41 題至第 45 題為題組:      There are books, e-books, and then there are audio books. Have you ever heard of books you can interact with? Or a Human Library? Human Library is a library of people. The concept is similar to that of a traditional library, but it 41 paper books with human beings. In this library, you can 42 humans as a living book, listen to their stories, and interact with them. One can borrow each book for 30 minutes and have a one-on-one conversation and learn about their experiences. Human Library is a platform that gives people, 43 are human books, an opportunity to talk about the issues they represent with the readers. 44 , it also gives the reader an opportunity to be more accepting and understanding. Both the books and the readers have 45 new to learn from the experience. While the human books find it as a way to express themselves, the readers get to look at society from a broader perspective.
(C) Therefore 

難度: 適中
一定要考上 研一上 (2019/07/22)
Chi-113高考人事行政 大二下 (2019/11/25)
otherwise   *連接詞  否則,不然 【used after an order or suggestion to show what the result will be if you do not follow that order or suggestion】 Call home, otherwise your parents will start to worry. 給家裡打個電話,不然你父母會開始擔心的。

*adv. (DIFFERENTLY)別樣地,以另外的方式

【differently, or in another way】

Protestors were executed, jailed or otherwise persecuted.


*adv. (NOT INCLUDING)除此之外

【except for what has just been referred to】

The bike needs a new wheel, but otherwise it's in good condition.


Ardyn Lee 大四下 (2019/12/02)

(A)Meanwhile 同時/其間
(B)However 無論如何/然而/可是/不管到什麼程度
(C)Therefore  因此/所以/故/乃
(D)Otherwise 否則/另外/別的方式

41 題至第 45 題為題組:      There are books, e-..-阿摩線上測驗