
第 46 題至第 50 題為題組:     Urban legends are popular stories alleged to be true and passed from individual to individual via oral or written (e.g., forwarded email) communication. 46 , said stories concern outlandish, humiliating, humorous, terrifying, or supernatural events--events which, in the telling, always seem to happen to someone other than the teller.    In lieu of evidence, the conveyor of an urban legend relies on narrative flourishes and/or reference to supposedly 47 sources (e.g., “I heard this from a friend of a friend,” or “This really happened to my sister’s co-worker’s hairdresser”) to 48 its credibility.   Urban legends are a type of folklore--defined as the beliefs, stories and traditions of ordinary people (“the folk”)--so one way of differentiating between urban legends and other kinds of narrative (popular fiction, for example) is by examining where they come from and how they are disseminated. Legends arise spontaneously and are rarely 49 to a single point of origin.    Because they end up being repeated by many different people in many different places, the stories tend to change over time. Hence, no two__50__of an urban legend are ever exactly alike; there can be as many variants as there are tellers of the tale.

(C) fantastic
(D) distractive 

難度: 簡單
Ardyn Lee 大四下 (2019/12/02)
(A)wealth 財產/財富/富豪(階級)/豐富/大量/繁榮(B)trustworthy 值得信賴/可靠/把穩.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
一定要考上 研一上 (2019/07/17)

(C) fantastic 
(D) distractive 





骨頭(一般警特行政正取) 大四下 (2019/12/14)

In lieu of代替 evidence, the conveyor運送器 of an urban legend都市傳說 relies on依靠;信賴 narrative故事;敘述, (對事件的特定的)陳述 flourishes繁榮 and/or reference to supposedly想像上;大概;恐怕 47 sources (e.g., “I heard this from a friend of a friend,” or “This really happened to my sister’s co-worker’s hairdresser理髮師”) to 48 its credibility可信性;可靠性.


第 46 題至第 50 題為題組:   Urban legends a..-阿摩線上測驗