
四、閱讀測驗 第一篇: Every year on October 31, millions of people around the world celebrate Halloween. In North America, children dress up in costumes to play pranks and ask their neighbors for candy – a tradition known as “trick-or-treating.” People in Mexico, Italy, and other countries visit the graves of family members and often say prayers or leave flowers on gravestones. Most historians think that Halloween started in Europe about 2,000 years ago. The Celts, who lived in and around Ireland, celebrated “Samhain” every year, which means ‘the end of summer.’ The Celts believed that the dead came back to life on the last night of October, so they would light bonfires and wear costumes to protect themselves. They also offered gifts of food to the dead and the poor. On Samhain, young Celtic women would secretly mark apples before dropping them into a tub of water. Men would then grab the apples with their mouths to find out whom they would marry. This game, known as “bobbing for apples,” is still played at Halloween parties in many countries. However, it’s no longer used for matchmaking. By the ninth century, Christianity had reached the Celts. The Catholic church already celebrated dead saints on “All Saints' Day” – also known as “All Hallows’ Day” – on November 1st. Therefore, they combined Samhain with that holiday, calling it “All Hallows' Eve.” The name was eventually shortened to “Halloween.” Soon, people in Ireland and the UK started their own Halloween traditions. The most common was “mumming and souling.” Poor families would visit their wealthier neighbors wearing costumes (“mumming”) to entertain them, or offering to pray for their dead relatives (“souling”), in exchange for treats. Another tradition involved carving scary faces into vegetables and placing them in windows or doors to scare away evil spirits. The Irish brought this practice to the US, where it’s still very popular. Most Americans don’t believe in evil spirits, but according to the US Department of Agriculture, about 148 million of them will carve a pumpkin this Halloween.
【題組】41. Which title best suits this passage?
(A)The history of the Celts.
(B) The history of Halloween.
(C) The origin of Jack-O-Lantern.
(D)The origin of Trick-or-Treating.

難度: 非常簡單
Shay Cormac 大三上 (2019/03/01)
這邊附上翻譯:每年10月31日,全球有上百萬人慶祝萬聖節。在北美洲,小孩們穿著萬聖節服飾並惡作劇向鄰居們要糖果 - 一個傳統的「不給糖,就搗蛋」的遊戲。墨西哥、義大利和其他人在家人的墳前祈禱或留下花束。大部分歷史學者覺得萬聖節起源於2000年前的歐洲,住在愛爾蘭以及附近的凱爾特人每年慶祝「薩溫節」,亦指夏末。凱爾特人相信亡者們會在十月的最後一個晚上歸來,於是他們點燃篝火還有穿起裝束來保護自己。他們將食物作為禮物給予亡者和窮人。在薩溫節當天,年輕的凱爾特女子會將有記號的蘋果丟入水桶中。而年經男子會用嘴咬起蘋果來知道要娶哪位女子。時至今日.....看完整詳解
Mi de Chen 高三下 (2020/05/16)






csr830504 大一下 (2022/08/05)

咬蘋果 (Apple bobbing)
咬蘋果是一個萬聖夜時的常見遊戲。遊戲進行時將蘋果放入盛滿水的水盆或水缸裡, 玩家要用牙齒將浮在水面的蘋果咬出才算勝利。 在蘇格蘭,咬蘋果被稱為dooking 。在北英格蘭則常叫做apple ducking或duck-apple


四、閱讀測驗 第一篇: Every year on October 31, ..-阿摩線上測驗