
五、閱讀測驗:(2 題,每題 2 分,共 4 分) David:Did you go to the baseball game last night? Peter:No. I had to work. David:What a shame! It was an exciting game! Peter:Really? Which team won the game? David:The Elephant. Peter:Great! They’re my favorite team.
【題組】49. Did Peter go to the game last night?
(A) Yes, he did.
(B) No, he didn’t.
(C) We are not sure.
(D) He did, but he didn’t finish watching it.

難度: 非常簡單
學泰語的Anita 研一上 (2019/08/21)
Peter:No. I had to wor.....看完整詳解

五、閱讀測驗:(2 題,每題 2 分,共 4 分) David:Did you..-阿摩線上測驗