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請依下文回答第 6 題至第 10 題In 2010, a South Korean couple was _6_ the murder of their daughter through neglect. When their daughter was born, she weighed 2.9 kilograms. Three months later, when she _7_ , she weighed 2.4 kilograms. The strangest part was that the parents were playing a game for many hours each day in which they raised a _8_ child online. Similarly, in 2014, a young South Korean man who spent much of his time in Internet Cafés was arrested after his two-year-old son starved to death. South Korea has seen exponential growth in computer and Internet use. This has caused many to worry that certain users are _9_ unable to control how much time they spend on the Internet. They fear an epidemic of addiction to video game. South Korea is not _10_ : many other developed countries have also experienced huge growth in video games and Internet addiction.
【題組】 6
(A) charged with
(B) changed into
(C) chosen from
(D) checked out

難度: 簡單
小太陽 小一上 (2019/04/24)

Ardyn Lee 大四下 (2019/11/26)

(A) charged with 被控
(B) changed into 改變成
(C) chosen from 從中選擇
(D) checked out 檢查過了

大一下 (2020/02/10)

在2010年時 , 一對南韓夫婦因為疏忽而被指控殺害其女兒 , 當他們的女兒出生時 , 她的體重為2.9公斤 , 三個月後 , 她去世時的體重只有2.4公斤 , 最奇怪的是 , 父母每天玩遊戲很多小時 , 他們會在網路上撫養一個虛擬的小孩 , 同樣的 , 在2014年 , 一名年輕的南韓男子在網咖中度過了大部份的時間 , 他的二歲兒子餓死後被逮捕 , 南韓的電腦及網路使用率呈現指數增長 , 這使得許多人擔心某些用戶越來越無法控制他們在網路上花費的時間 , 他們擔心電玩遊戲會流行 , 韓國並不孤單 , 其他許多已開發國家在電玩遊戲與網路成癮方面也經歷了巨大的增長

In 2010, a South Korean couple was charged with the murder of their daughter through neglect. When ...

きんじょうすい 高三上 (2022/03/24)

South Korean couple was _6_ the murder of their daughter through neglect.


被起訴了 過失罪

請依下文回答第 6 題至第 10 題In 2010, a South Korea..-阿摩線上測驗