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請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題 Forming a habit of making a to-do list every day can help us manage our time better. And if this is done in a more effective way, it can even enable us to have a successful life. Many famous people throughout the history all 36 themselves to making a to-do list that works out for them. Thomas Edison, one of the great inventors in human history, made a daily to-do list by recording in great details his ideas of invention. Many useful products that he eventually created all came from his to-do lists. Another more 37 example is the ex-CEO of Apple, Mr. Steve Jobs. Jobs did his to-do list in a more simple way. He only wrote down key words in the list by focusing particularly on the challenges Apple was facing. Many of the unsolved problems mentioned in his lists became later Apple's great strength and 38 points which other companies cannot yet achieve. Richard Branson, the English businessman and inventor who 39 the Virgin group, puts down his ideas for his future business plans in the list. In order to fulfill his business dreams, Branson also includes in his lists the names of people who can help him complete his business projects. 40 what they have done with their to-do lists, these successful people have helped improve human life to a great degree.
【題組】 37
(A) careless
(B) legal
(C) recent
(D) secret

難度: 簡單
Meow 大三下 (2019/04/25)
我從36格之後開始翻譯湯瑪斯愛迪生, 是...

田祥偉 高一下 (2019/08/12)

(A) careless 粗心(☆) ☆☆☆☆☆ ★★

沉澱過後繼續努力 大二下 (2020/09/25)

 Another more rec☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

墨夜熠樓 大四上 (2021/08/18)

養成每天列出待辦事項清單的習慣可以幫助我們更好地管理時間。如果以更有效的方式做到這一點,它甚至可以使我們擁有成功的生活。歷史上的許多名人都 36 歲,他們自己制定了一份適合他們的待辦事項清單。人類歷史上最偉大的發明家之一托馬斯·愛迪生(Thomas Edison)通過詳細記錄他的發明想法,制定了每日待辦事項清單。他最終創建的許多有用的產品都來自他的待辦事項列表。另一個更多的 37 個例子是蘋果前 CEO 史蒂夫·喬布斯先生。喬布斯以更簡單的方式列出了他的待辦事項清單。他只是通過特別關注蘋果面臨的挑戰來寫下列表中的關鍵詞。他列舉的很多懸而未決的問題,成為了後來蘋果的強大實力和其他公司目前還達不到的38分。維珍集團 39 歲的英國商人和發明家理查德·布蘭森 (Richard Branson) 在名單中列出了他對未來商業計劃的想法。為了實現他的商業夢想,布蘭森還在他的名單中列出了可以幫助他完成商業項目的人的名字。 40 他們對待辦事項清單所做的事情,這些成功人士在很大程度上幫助改善了人類生活。

請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題 Forming a habit of m..-阿摩線上測驗