
請依下文回答第 11 題至第 15 題 
   Can a building be so ugly that people get angry just looking at it? For years, the Old Executive Office Building (the OEOB) in Washington, D.C., received 11 its share of insults. President Warren G. Harding proclaimed that the building was "the worst I ever saw." Mark Twain described it as the "ugliest building in America." At a 12 of ten million dollars over seventeen years of construction, the OEOB was completed in 1888. For many, it was 13 at first sight. The building was used for many purposes over the years and then fell into neglect. 
   Then one day in 1974, a college student named John W. F. Rogers was working in the mail room of the White House. He was sent to get a chair in one of the OEOB "storerooms." Rogers thought he had entered "the castle of the Sleeping Beauty." "Everything was 14 dust and cobwebs," he recalled, "and yet I saw beauty." Years later, Rogers became the administrator of the building. Once he was 15 , one of the first things he did was to restore the old "storeroom." It is now the grand White House Law Library!

(A)dressed for
(B)covered in
(C)filled in
(D)wrapped up

難度: 簡單
Chajie 小一上 (2020/10/14)
 dressed穿著衣服的 dress up穿正裝,盛裝 be covered in/with被覆蓋在 「Fill in」和「Fill out」:「填寫」 文件、表格的時候。 「Fill in」:「填補、填滿」 一個事物。「代替、臨時補缺一個崗位」 「Fill in for someone」:「代替、填補一個空缺的崗位」 「Fill someone in on .....看完整詳解
幫按讚 大四上 (2020/04/27)

★★★★★★★ 11 ★★★ 15 ★ 

<☆ ☆☆☆☆☆="☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆-☆☆☆☆☆:☆☆☆(245,245,245);">...

情傷牛奶瓶 (2020/08/13)

He was sent to get a chair in one of the OEOB "storerooms." Rogers thought he had entered "the castle of the Sleeping Beauty." "Everything was covered in dust and cobwebs," he recalled, "and yet I saw beauty."

他被派到OEOB的一個“儲藏室”裡去找一把椅子。Rogers以為他進入了“睡美人的城堡”。 “一切都被灰塵和蜘蛛網覆蓋著,”他回憶說,“但我看到了美。”

請依下文回答第 11 題至第 15 題    Can a building be..-阿摩線上測驗