
※說明:第 21~25 題,請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案。 Every day, hundreds of road traffic accidents occur across the country. Statistics show that there are more than 10 motor vehicle-related deaths per day in California alone, many of 21 are preventable. Road accidents occur for 22 reasons. Often, drivers are distracted; some of the leading causes of distraction include using a cellphone 23 eating food or drinking. In other cases, drivers can lose control of a vehicle if driving above the speed limit. Sometimes, accidents occur for a combination of reasons, from bad visibility 24 unsafe road design. 25 the causes of accidents can vary, the consequences are often the same, resulting in vehicular or property damage and serious injuries.
(A) as well as
(B) in addition
(C) also
(D) for instance

難度: 簡單
Ardyn Lee 大四下 (2020/08/19)
(A) as well as 除…之外還;也;和(B) in addition.....看完整詳解
jellyfish8483 國三下 (2019/07/12)

(A) as well as 以及

(☆) ☆☆ ...

112年已上岸,挑戰極限 博二下 (2023/12/23)

Often, drivers are distracted; some of the leading causes of distraction include using a cellphone as well as eating food or drinking.

通常,駕駛員會分心; 分心的一些主要原因包括使用手機以及進食或飲水。

(A)ph.(除某人[某事物/做某事]外)也, 還, 而且



distraction                           n.分心,注意力分散[U];困惑;焦躁不安[U]
include                                vt.包括,包含[W][+v-ing];算入,包含於……裡面

※說明:第 21~25 題,請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案。 Every ..-阿摩線上測驗