
18. Which of the following is grammatically accurate?
(A) The papers in this issue adopt a broad and diverse approaches to teach scientific thinking.
(B) Lilienfeld discussed 50 psychological and psychiatric terms that were inaccurate, commonly misused, or both.
(C) They discussed why these terms were often used incorrectly, and was providing students and instructors alike with strategies to correct misconceptions of the terms.
(D) Matute demonstrated the role of the illusion of causality to fostering continued belief in pseudoscience and misinformation.
(E) An overview of the innovative experiments in the Matute lab show that an understanding of the illusion of causality can promote of scientific thinking.

難度: 適中
我是一朵小魔菇 小五下 (2019/07/09)
(A) The papers in th☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ ...

因為不會,所以訂正 高三下 (2024/03/30)
Which of the following is grammatically accurate? (A) The papers in this issue adopt a broad and diverse approaches to teach touching scientific thinking. (B) Lilienfeld discussed 50 psychological and psychiatric terms that were inaccurate, commonly misused, or both. (C) They discussed why these terms were often used incorrectly, and was were providing students and instructors alike with strategies to correct misconceptions of the terms. (D) Matute demonstrated the role of the illusion of causality to fostering foster continued belief in pseudoscience and misinformation. (E) An overview ...

18. Which of the following is grammatica..-阿摩線上測驗