Here are two pieces of news that Annie c..-阿摩線上測驗
2F ♡ 〈心靈平安基金會〉 小六下 (2020/09/19)
來自法語的Papier-mâché 英文Paper mache,來自法語Papier-mâché,或chewed-up paper,中文大部分譯為「混凝紙漿」,或「紙漿藝術」。Paper Mache是全世界藝術創作流行的媒材,在歐美已行之有年,許多藝術家紛紛投入創作。 在「紙漿藝術」界,早在1972年,華盛頓州西雅圖一名叫「Dan」的年輕人便為Paper Mache深深著迷。他在22歲時就已經用紙漿做了他的第一條龍,在1982年被媒體報導後,引起許多人的關注,如今他被稱作「the monster-man」,因為他熱愛用Paper Mache製作各式各樣的龍。現在,只要在網路上搜尋「 monster man Dan」,就會出現許多Dan做的栩栩如生的龍。 紙漿藝術的表... 查看完整內容 |
3F ♡ 〈心靈平安基金會〉 小六下 (2020/09/19)國中會考英文閱讀詳解%282%29 (26-28) Here are two pieces of news that Annie collected for her report. Papier-mâché is works of art that are made of paper. In Taiwan, it is known as zhizha and is usually burned as a gift for dead people. Taiwan’s papier-mâché is dying because it is not much needed now. However, this dying art won a Frenchman’s heart when he visited the island. He then invited one of the papier-mâché shops, Hsin Hsin Paper Offering Store, to show their beauti... 查看完整內容 |