
61. Which of the following descriptions about the Michaelis-Menten equation is false?
(A) KM measures the substrate concentration at which the reaction rate is 1/2Vmax.
(B) An enzyme with a low KM means that it has low affinity for its substrate.
(C) An enzyme with a low kcat means that it has a low catalytic rate.
(D) The turnover number, kcat, measures the rate of the catalytic process.
(E) The ratio kcat/KM is a convenient measure of enzyme efficiency.

難度: 非常簡單
Peipool 高三上 (2021/03/19)

(B) An enzyme with a low Km relative to the physiological concentration of substrate, as shown above, is normally saturated with substrate, and will act at a more or less constant rate, regardless of variations in the concentration of substrate within the physiological range. 低KM時,酶還是會全部反應,不會有低親和力的問題

61. Which of the following descriptions ..-阿摩線上測驗