【預告】5/13(一)起,第三階段頁面上方功能列以及下方資訊全面更換新版。 前往查看

(舊)TOEIC(Test of English for International Communication)題庫下載題庫

2 The great thing about this guarantee is that there is never any doubt and there is no ....... about getting your money back.
(A) squabble

難度: 困難
Amy Tsai 高三下 (2016/09/19)
(A) squabble ① (n.) 口角;爭吵 ② (v.) 爭論;口角;爭吵。(B) argument (n.) 爭論;論據;爭吵;辯論。(C) quibble ① (n.) 謬論;遁辭;雙關語 ② (v.) 說模稜兩可的話;推託;詭辯。(D) quarrel (n.)(v.) 吵架;爭吵;怨言;反目;吵鬧;不和;挑惕;爭論。

2 The great thing about this guarantee i..-阿摩線上測驗