
III. Reading Comprehension: Read the following passages and choose the most appropriate answer for each question.
(A) A paper published in Nature Climate Change indicated that the effects of climate change across a broad spectrum of problems, including heat waves, wildfires, sea level rise, hurricanes, flooding, drought and shortages of clean water. Such problems are already coming in combination. Florida, for example, had recently experienced extreme drought, record high temperatures and wildfires — and Hurricane Michael, the powerful Category 4 storm that slammed into the Panhandle this summer. Similarly, California is suffering through the worst wildfires the state has ever seen, as well as drought, extreme heat waves and degraded air quality that threatens the health of residents. In 2017, US withdrew from Paris Agreement. Despite the White House's later assessment showing climate change could significantly reduce GDP by 10% by 2100, President Trump remains incredulous about global warming. The UN unveiled its own report that says signatories to the Paris Agreement are doing nowhere near enough to meet the target of keeping warming below 2°C relative to pre-industrial times. Other reports also warned that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere had reached 405 parts per million, the highest in three million to five million years.

【題組】31. The author’s tone in this passage can best be described as _____.
(A) intimtated
(B) apprenhensive
(C) contemptuous
(D) aggrieved

難度: 適中
cute_apple 高一上 (2019/06/16)


一階過了~準備畢業二階 大一下 (2020/05/28)



III. Reading Comprehension: Read the fol..-阿摩線上測驗