
請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: Don't be alarmed if fellow passengers start stripping off after boarding a metro train in Taipei. Chances are they think they've found a swimming pool inside 41 . To celebrate being the host city of Universiade 2017--the Olympics for international university athletes--the Taiwanese capital has transformed a six-car train into six different sports 42 --a running track, a soccer pitch, a baseball field, a basketball pitch, a field for throwing sports and a swimming pool. And the eye-popping 3D artworks have inspired 43 commuters to dive in. "We hope to bring sports 44 to their daily life," says a spokesperson for the city's Department of Information and Tourism. It is a fun 45 to raise awareness about sport in general among Taiwanese and get the public to get involved in the games.
(A) open
(B) opposed
(C) wider
(D) closer

難度: 簡單
小太陽 小一上 (2019/06/17)

骨頭(一般警特行政上榜) 大四下 (2019/10/26)

opposed翻譯:不同, 完全不同的,截然相反的,迥然不同的, 反對。

wide翻譯:距離, 寬的;寬闊的;寬廣的, 寬度為…的;…寬的, 數量, 範圍

music781010 高三下 (2021/06/03)

We hope to bring sports closer to their daily life  我們希望讓運動更貼近他們的日常生活

(A) open  +  to 開放

(B) opposed + to 反對

(C) wider + to 更廣

(D) closer + to 更接近


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: Don't be alarmed if..-阿摩線上測驗