
請依下文回答第 56 題至第 60 題 
        “Forensic science” means applying scientific methods and processes to solving crimes. Forensic science has become an integral part of many criminal cases and convictions. The extraordinary innovations and advancements in forensic science have allowed it to become a highly developed science that involves a number of disciplines. The field of forensic science draws from a number of scientific branches, including physics, chemistry, and biology, with its focus being on the recognition,identification, and evaluation of physical evidence. These scientific experts use microscopic examining techniques, complex instruments, mathematical principles, scientific principles, and reference literature to analyze evidence as to identify both class and individual characteristics. In the past decade, they have started using laser scanners, drones and photogrammetry to obtain 3D point clouds of accidents or crime scenes. Reconstruction of an accident scene on a highway using drones involves data acquisition time of only 10-20 minutes and can be performed without shutting down traffic. The majority of forensic scientists perform their jobs within the confines of the forensic laboratory or morgue; their work may also take them outside of the laboratory and to the crime scenes, where they observe the scene and collect evidence. Forensic scientists may work for local, state and federal law enforcement agencies and government, private laboratories, and hospitals. They may also serve as independent forensic science consultants.

【題組】56 Which of the following evaluations best shows the standing of forensic science?
(A)It is a technology too complicated for the police to employ.
(B)It is the only technology the police use to solve crimes.
(C)It is nowadays helping the police a lot in solving crimes.
(D)It is used to observe criminals’ behavior.

難度: 非常簡單
骨頭(一般警特行政上榜) 大四下 (2019/10/17)
“Forensic science司法科学體系” means applying scientific methods and processes to solving crimes.  Foren sicscience司法科学體系 has become an integral構成整體所必需 part of many criminal cases and convictions定罪.  The extraordinary非凡 innovations創新 and advancements in forensic science司法科学體系 have allowed it to become a highly developed science that involves a number of disciplines課程.  The field of forensic science draws from a number of scientific branches分支, including physics, chemistry, and biology, with its focus being on the recognition承认,identification識別, ...
a7x.paul (2019/10/27)

Just do It 大三下 (2022/12/07)

請依下文回答第 56 題至第 60 題         “Forensic sc..-阿摩線上測驗