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請依下文回答第 32 題至第 35 題 
        In many American cities public transportation is a political issue. So many people live in these cities that it is impossible for them all to drive cars. Besides, many of them cannot afford cars. Many people want to ride fast subways and clean buses,  32  nobody wants to pay for them. This is a problem for city politicians, who want to be elected and reelected. Some cities pay for part of the cost of public transportation from taxes. However, the costs  33  as the price of fuel increases, and the politicians do not want to increase taxes. The rest of the cost has to come from fares that the passengers pay. 
        The fare system  34  from city to city. In some, such as New York, every passenger pays the same amount  35  he or she takes a short ride or a long one. In other cities, such as Washington, there is a system of zones. A passenger who only wants to go a short distance pays one amount. A passenger who goes through more zones pays more. 
        In all systems, passengers complain that politicians let fares get too high. Other people complain that politicians let taxes get too high. Everybody blames the politicians.

(A) get up
(B) give up
(C) turn up
(D) go up

難度: 困難
Ardyn Lee 大四下 (2019/11/21)
(A) get up 起床/安排/舉起/站起來(B) give up 放棄/投.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
Teresa Wu 大二下 (2019/06/26)

(D) go up 升高;上升;上★;★★


YC 高一上 (2021/03/11)

However, the costs  33  as the price of fuel increases, and the politicians do not want to increase taxes. 


請依下文回答第 32 題至第 35 題         In many Amer..-阿摩線上測驗