
請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題: At 20, Sarah was shy but lived a normal life. Then, when her marriage broke up a year later, she suddenly believed she was extremely ugly. “Sometimes I’d lie in bed all day because I couldn’t face the mirrors in the bathroom,” she says. “If I did go out, I’d cover my face with my hands. If I saw myself in a mirror, I’d burst into tears and run home.” After spending $35,000 in three years on cosmetic surgery, Sarah saw a television program about body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) and recognized the symptoms. She saw Dr. David Veale, an expert in BDD, and had two months in hospital and two months of daily therapy. Today, she is coping with her condition. BDD is an illness characterized by distorted body image—sufferers are affected by small or imagined defects in their appearance. “It’s still underdiagnosed,” says Veale. “That’s dangerous as there’s a high rate of suicide with it.” The condition affects one in 100 people, and some experts believe the number of sufferers is growing fast, thanks to the increasing emphasis on physical perfection in society and the media. It often starts in teenage years and can be triggered by stress, extreme teasing, or sexual abuse. It affects as many men as women, particularly those who are sensitive, perfectionist or work in an artistic field. It can take the form of a general feeling of ugliness or can focus on a particular body part, most commonly the face. Sufferers may do everything they can to hide their “flaw” and can develop obsessive rituals such as checking their appearance, adjusting their hair, or measuring the hated body part. They can become addicted to cosmetic surgery or weightlifting. Once established, BDD causes a change in the brain chemistry, particularly of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which regulates happiness and satisfaction. The most effective treatment seems to be a combination of cognitive therapy and a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor drug, such as Prozac.
【題組】22 Which of the following is true about Sarah?
(A)She has been shy and unhappy since childhood.
(B)She recognized her problem accidentally.
(C)She went to see Dr. David Veale at the age of 21.
(D)She recovered from BDD in two months.

難度: 簡單
金莎貝貝 大二下 (2019/09/18)

墨夜熠樓 大四上 (2021/06/08)

20 歲時,莎拉很害羞,但過著正常的生活。然後,當一年後她的婚姻破裂時,她突然認為自己丑陋到了極點。 “有時我會整天躺在床上,因為我無法面對浴室裡的鏡子,”她說。 “如果我真的出去了,我會用手摀住臉。如果我看到鏡子裡的自己,我會淚流滿面地跑回家。”在三年內花費 35,000 美元進行整容手術後,莎拉看了一個關於身體變形障礙 (BDD) 的電視節目並意識到了這些症狀。她看到了 BDD 專家 David Veale 博士,並在醫院住了兩個月,每天接受了兩個月的治療。今天,她正在應對自己的病情。 BDD 是一種以身體形象扭曲為特徵的疾病——患者受到外觀上微小或想像中的缺陷的影響。 “它仍然沒有得到充分的診斷,”維爾說。 “這很危險,因為它的自...


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題: At 20, Sarah was s..-阿摩線上測驗