
依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題 Ritchie’s Fabulae Faciles is a graded reader of made-up Latin stories, which the author Francis Ritchie wrote in order to give students additional practice before they began reading Julius Caesar’s Gallic War. The text includes the myths of Perseus, Heracles, Jason and the Argonauts, and Ulysses; and the entire volume is divided into 100 sections of Latin, which are roughly a paragraph in length. Although Ritchie assumes that readers know all five declensions, pronouns, and active and passive verbs from the beginning of the Perseus readings, he does not introduce the subjunctive mood until the middle of the Heracles selections or indirect discourse and ablative absolutes until Jason and the Argonauts. Ritchie’s purpose is to provide readers with an opportunity to master simple Latin grammar and morphology before they encounter more complex constructions in the later stories, and he does so while presenting students with an informative and thoroughly engaging storyline. This Latin text was first published by Ritchie in 1884 in a volume called Fabulae Faciles: A First Latin Reader. In 1903, John Kirtland produced a revised edition of the book under the title Ritchie’s Fabulae Faciles: A First Latin Reader. Kirtland modified Ritchie’s Latin text, added grammatical notes, and eliminated a section of drill exercises found in the original volume. Kirtland’s book remained the standard edition until 1991, when another revised volume was prepared by Gilbert Lawall, Stanley Iverson, and Allan Wooley, entitled Fabulae Graecae: A Revised Edition of Ritchie’s Fabulae Faciles. While the first two books are out of copyright and can be downloaded for free, the Fabulae Graecae remains available in paperback. The aim of this current edition(2012) is to make Ritchie’s myths even more accessible to intermediate-level Latin readers.
【題組】 41 According to the passage, who are the target readers of Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles?
(A) Beginning students of Latin.
(B) Intermediate students of Latin.
(C) Advanced students of Latin.
(D) Native speakers of Latin.

難度: 困難
熊寶包 大一上 (2020/02/03)
最後兩句 The aim of this current edition(2012) is to make Ritchie’s myths even more accessible to intermediate-.....看完整詳解
Adw DF AS 高二下 (2019/11/15)

"Although Ritchie ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

Dorothy 高二上 (2021/01/06)
Ritchie的Fabulae Faciles是分級編排的拉丁故事的讀者,作者Francis Ritchie撰寫該文章是為了讓學生在開始閱讀Julius Caesar的《高盧戰爭》之前有更多練習。文本包括英仙座,赫拉克勒斯,傑森和Argonauts和尤利西斯的神話。整捲書分為100個拉丁語部分,大約是一個段落的長度。儘管Ritchie假定讀者從英仙座閱讀開始就知道所有五個變位,代詞以及主動和被動動詞,但直到Jason和Argonauts到Heracles選集的中間或間接論述和燒蝕絕對之前,他才介紹虛擬語氣。 。Ritchie的目的是為讀者提供一個機會,使他們有機會掌握簡單的拉丁文語法和詞法,以免他們在以後的故事中遇到更複雜的結構,同時他還向學生展示了內容豐富且引人入勝的故事情節。拉丁文字最...

依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題 Ritchie’s Fabulae Fa..-阿摩線上測驗