【問卷-英文學習功能需求】只要填寫就能獲得500Y,結束時間 2024/06/03 12:00。 前往查看


21-30題為題組 America encourages its young people to drink. 21 , our society makes drinking a part of every celebration. Our personal celebrations, 22 weddings, promotions, graduations, and anniversaries, are 23 linked with drinking. 24 children can attend any family affair without seeing the adults enjoying their liquor. Drinking is part of our national celebrations as well. The Fourth of July means beer and New Year's Eve is an entire night dedicated to the proposition that everyone must get 25 . Secondly, the shows young people watch on television encourage them to drink. On 26 every soap opera, the characters drink casually and often. The rock videos young people watch over and over again feature alcohol, too. 27 on the videos sit in bars, nightclubs, and roadhouses. Drinking, the message goes, is cool. The strongest encouragement to drink that young people receive, 28 , comes from advertisers. Beer companies often sponsor the sports events young people watch. In addition, advertisements for liquor, on TV and in print, show situations that are 29 to the young. People hoist their glasses 30 they are sitting around ski lodges, sailing, dancing, or enjoying a football game. We may say we don't want our children to drink, but our messages say just the opposite.
(A) Few
(B) Little
(C) Small
(D) Many

難度: 困難
Angus Lu 高一下 (2016/02/24)

21-30題為題組 America encourages its young ..-阿摩線上測驗