
請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
  A trip to the art museum could have turned into a very costly trip for a 12-year-old boy in Taipei when he lost his balance and put his hand through a painting worth around $1.5 million. The damaged work, “Flowers” by Italian master Paolo Porpora, was part of a Taipei exhibition of artwork by or influenced by Leonardo da Vinci. Porpora was a  41  still life artist who produced baroque-style paintings, often of fruit and flowers. The work was 200cm tall, depicting flowers in a vase. The film  42  by the organizers of the “Face of Leonardo: Images of a Genius” exhibition shows the boy – in shorts, sneakers, a blue T-shirt and holding a drink – walk past the painting, catching his foot and stumbling over. He looks up at the painting, shown later to have a fist-sized gash at the bottom. The boy  43  , looking around at other people in the room. Organizers did not believe that the boy intentionally vandalized the oil painting, saying that it was obvious that the boy did not mean to push it.“All 55 paintings in the venue are  44  pieces and they are very rare and precious,” a post on the exhibition’s Facebook page said. “Once these works are damaged, they are permanently damaged.” Nevertheless, the exhibition organizers decided not to  45  the boy for the damage and said that the painting could be easily restored. This incident, however, made them reconsider displaying valuable paintings in the open.

(A) authentic
(B) fake
(C) unreal
(D) novel

難度: 簡單
“勞謙君子,有終吉” 研一下 (2020/02/01)
對於一個12歲的台北男孩來說,失去平衡並把手伸進一張價值約150萬美元的畫作時,去美術館參觀可能會變成一次非常昂貴的旅行。 意大利大師保羅·波波拉(Paolo Porpora)的受損作品“花”是或受Leonardo da Vinci影響在台北舉辦的藝術品展覽的一部分。 波爾波拉是一位(主導的)靜物畫的生活藝術家,他創作的巴洛克風格的繪畫作品通常是水果和花卉。 作品高200公分,描繪了花瓶中的花朵。 從展覽會組織(發布的)影片,由"李奧納多的面孔:天才的形象''展覽會顯示這個男孩-穿著短褲,運動鞋,一件藍色T恤並拿著一杯飲料-走過這幅畫,,腳而跌跌撞撞.....看完整詳解
顯示者 ⁴/6 高三上 (2021/12/25)


not false or copied; genuine; real:
an authentic antique ( 古董 ).
企鵝 大四下 (2022/06/23)
( A ) authentic 可信的 ,★★★( ☆ ) ...

一定要考上 研一上 (2023/03/18)

對於一名 12 歲的台北男孩來說,去美術館可能會變成一次非常昂貴的旅行,因為他失去了平衡,把手伸進了一幅價值約 150 萬美元的畫作中。 受損的作品是意大利大師保羅波波拉的《花》,是達芬奇在台北舉辦或受其影響的藝術展的一部分。 Porpora 是一位領先的 41 靜物藝術家,他創作巴洛克風格的繪畫,通常是水果和花卉。 作品高200厘米,描繪的是花瓶中的花朵。 由“萊昂納多的面孔:天才的形象”展覽的組織者發布的影片 42 顯示男孩 – 穿著短褲、運動鞋、藍色 T 卹並拿著飲料 – 走過這幅畫,抓住他的腳並絆倒了 . 他抬頭看著這幅畫,後來看到畫的底部有一個拳頭大小的傷口。 男孩僵住了 43 ,環顧房間裡的其他人。 主辦方不相信男孩故意破壞這幅油畫,稱很明顯男孩沒有推油的意思。 該展覽的 Facebook 頁面上說。 “這些作品一旦損壞,就是永久性的損壞。” 儘管如此,展覽組織者決定不向男孩收取 45 的損壞費用,並表示這幅畫很容易修復。 然而,這一事件使他們重新考慮公開展示有價值的畫作。

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題  A trip to the art m..-阿摩線上測驗