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2F 宗翰 大三下 (2024/07/05)
出自: Occupational Therapy in Mental Health A Vision for Participation 2nd Edition p.371、372
(A) 意志(volition)
Volition provides motivation for occupation;it influences an individual's choice of occupation and persistence when engaging in that occupation.
(B) 習慣(habits): 小琳因為轉換工作,對於新工作內容與環境不熟悉,近一個月來顯現焦慮與壓力。
The habituation subsystem gives structure and routine to daily life. This subsystem comes into play during most activities of daily living. The execution of an activity, such as toothbrushing, is so familiar and practiced that the individua... 查看完整內容 出自: Occupational Therapy in Mental Health A Vision for Participation 2nd Edition p.371、372
(A) 意志(volition)
Volition provides motivation for occupation;it influences an individual's choice of occupation and persistence when engaging in that occupation.
(B) 習慣(habits): 小琳因為轉換工作,對於新工作內容與環境不熟悉,近一個月來顯現焦慮與壓力。
The habituation subsystem gives structure and routine to daily life. This subsystem comes into play during most activities of daily living. The execution of an activity, such as toothbrushing, is so familiar and practiced that the individual engages in the activity with little conscious effort.
(C) 表現(performance capacity)
The performance subsystem comprises the mental and physical components (e.g., perceptual motor abilities, cognition) that allow a person to engage in occupational performance.
(D) 環境(environment)
This is a large modal.